In 2021, I shared a list of 10 tools every maker must have. You can check it out here. In this article, I will share a list of 10 more tools a maker/hobbyist must have. So without wasting any more time let us get right into it.
Disclaimer: This blog contains Amazon and Banggood Affiliate links. Buying products from those links helps us run this blog without any extra charges on you.
1. Soldering Iron and SMD Rework Station.

Previously I shared a soldering iron kit which contained everything one might need to get started. But, as we get a hang of soldering and start doing more serious projects or professional work, we need a proper setup. This Soldering iron station comes with just the tools to aid in our advanced projects. This particular 2-IN-1 rework station combines a soldering iron with a hot air gun. Comes with individual LED displays, temperature control, and air volume adjustment.
Amazon Link | $54.99 |
Banggood Link | $61.99 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹8,499 |
2. Fume Extractor.

It is known that we must always solder in a well-ventilated environment. The fumes from solder and flux can be hazardous to health causing eye and respiratory tract irritation. Long-term exposure can also cause severe issues like asthma. So to prevent ourselves from these fumes we need a tool. That’s where this fume extractor comes in. The fan sucks in the fumes which pass through a replaceable activated carbon filter which prevents them from dissipating into the room.
Amazon Link | $39.99 |
Banggood Link | $40.01 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹4,999 |
3. Digital Microscope.

Especially when working with SMT components, it is very important to have a tool that gives a clear view. Previously I mentioned the Helping Hands with magnifying glass. Although it works in most cases, You still need a proper microscope to work with smaller components. A digital microscope not only helps with soldering tiny components but also helps us inspect if components are soldered correctly, if there are any shorts and also checks the PCB traces.
Amazon Link | $33.77 |
Banggood Link | $67.29 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹6,050 |
4. Digital Clamp Multimeter.

Similar to a usual digital multimeter, the Clamp digital multimeter does all the measurements like Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Continuity, etc. So what is the difference? Well, while working with using power projects the Amp usage can go well over the limit of a standard digital multimeter, in this case, a clamp multimeter is very useful to measure the current draw.
Amazon Link | $39.99 |
Banggood Link | $29.99 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹3,899 |
5. Cordless Drill Set.

If you have been in a DIY hobby, I don’t have to tell you how important a drill is. From making holes to operating screws, a good cordless drill set is a must-have for every maker. For the past couple of years, I have been using it a lot for my 3D printed projects for resizing screw holes and saving a ton of time fastening/loosening screws.
Amazon Link | $59.99 |
Banggood Link | $45.99 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹4,999 |
6. Silicone Mat.

Working on projects, may it be something you are building or doing a rework, gets pretty messy. I have scuffed and burnt my workbench many times before. Also, keeping track of all the tools and small components as you work gets very hard. This Silicon heat-resistant mat is the all-in-one solution. It lets you solder and do SMD rework without damaging the desk. It has compartments to hold the tools you work with.
Amazon Link | $15.99 |
Banggood Link | $29.99 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹649 |
7. Antistatic Tweezers Set.

Having a good set of antistatic tweezers is a must for every maker. Especially working with SMD it gets hard to handle the components barehanded. Using a good pair of Tweezers makes life easy and having an antistatic one makes sure static discharges do not damage the components. They also come in handy when working with small screws.
Amazon Link | $7.99 |
Banggood Link | $5.99 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹364 |
8. Component Organiser.

Before I got an organiser, it used to be a mess, all components were in a bunch of individual plastic bags, had to label them and keep stapling them so they didn’t get undone. Also, it gets very frustrating when you can’t find that exact resistor or transistor which you know you have somewhere but now can’t find when needed. Having a proper component organiser makes life easier.
Amazon Link | $39.99 |
Banggood Link | $45.47 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹2,900 |
9. Measuring Tape.

While making a lot of projects we do come to the point where a normal vernier caliper or scale falls short. Personally, faced this so many times that I had to leave in the middle of a project to buy a tape measure. So whether you are a hobbyist or an Engineer, you must have a good tape measure in your toolbox.
Amazon Link | $26.99 |
Banggood Link | $23.99 |
Amazon IN Link | ₹150 |
10. 3D Printer.

After the Arduino Revolution in the Maker’s community, the next biggest revolution to happen was the 3D printing one. Since the technology has become affordable, it has become one of the most popular tools. From making custom action figures and project casing to full-fledged robots, 3D printing has made it very easy to start making prototypes from the comfort of home without breaking the bank. 2 years ago I purchased my first 3D printer, and here’s a complete review where I have shared my experience.
Amazon Link | $169 |
Banggood Link | $289 |
Amazon IN Link | $15,699 |
Final Note.
These are the tools I use and they have helped me a lot. Hope this article helps you in setting up your lab. Let us know what tools you use the most. Also, do check out the “Top 10 Tools for Makers list 2021“.
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